Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ancient business processes driving me to madness

I couldn't take it...
@Home, my former Internet Service Provider and supplier of cable TV are dumb assholes.
You would think that business processes are renewed to go with the innovation in technology, like described by Moore's Law.
They have to keep their old bureaucratic ways in order to spite and irritate the masses. They don't know fuck-all about whats going on in their company, nobody is connected to anyone there because no one has a clue what the other department is doing.
I cancel my contract with them in June, a written letter sent to them, and still i get a bill. I call up and ask "WTF?!"
They reply that they haven't received it and are stillw aiting for the money, which mind you is for a period of time WHEN I DON"T EVEN LIVE AT THAT ADDRESS ANYMORE!!!!
These fuckers think that i wouldn't be upset that i'm paying for service that I don't use and actually shouldn't be paying..
I sent another letter in July, and STILL I GET ANOTHER FUCKING BILL!!
Get this;
I moved out of my apartment on the 30th of June, effective 1st of July we were no longer owners of that apartment. I get a bill that says i should pay for the Cable TV services for the period 01-07-2006 through 30-09-2006.
At that point I really wanted to hurt someone...preferably by means of a baseball bat to the head.

Advice to anyone reading this:
1. Cancel your contracts for Phone, TV, Internet, Water, Electricity, Gas, AS SOON AS YOU APPLY FOR THEM! Tell them right at the beginning how long you want the service for.

2. Buy a very big Baseball Bat

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